Predator – Line and Wash – Part 2 of 2

This week I painted my ink drawing of an owl capturing a mouse. I began by scanning my ink drawing into my Samsung tablet…

Then I used a digital art program to play around with the colours I might use. Here are some of the options I came up with…

And finally..

Generally I tend to rely on realism a bit too much so I thought this time I would make up the plummage of the owl. I liked the third colour plan best, so I went with that.

Next I painted in a background. Here’s the first layer of that…

Instead of following my plan exactly I decided to use a range of colours in the background. I like this better than the simple flat colour.

Then, after a bit of a delay, I got around to painting the foreground. Here’s the finished painting…

6 thoughts on “Predator – Line and Wash – Part 2 of 2

  1. I actually liked the first colour version best, where the colours bled outside the lines like a Raoul Dufy painting or a Quentin Blake illustration – there’s an immediacy and a vividness about it that appeals to me!

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