The Old Inn – Ink

This week I made a simple drawing of a Old Inn. It was a study of a drawing by Ink Rebellion on YouTube. He drew a Pirate Tavern. Here is his video…

I began in pencil and then went on to an ink outline like this…

Once I had my outline I then filled in some warm and cool greys with alcohol-based brush markers.

Here’s the final picture…

While this was a fun little project it did show me a way that I might start to improve my ink drawing. I think I need to stop drawing in outlines and draw everything as shadows and light. I suspect that this is easier said than done. Still, it gives me something to think about!


This week I drew an ink drawing of Ra the Egyptian God of the sun.

I began with pencils…

Next I outlined my work and then began to put in the darkest darks…

Here’s the finished drawing…

PS: Apologies for being away from WordPress these last two weeks – I’ve been unwell.

Lemon Tetra – Ink

Lemon Tetra by Waugsberg CC BY 2.5

This week I drew a Lemon Tetra in ink. I drew it at an art group I go to and didn’t get a chance to photograph any process shots.

Lemon Tetra (Hyphessobrycon pulchripinnis) are really beautiful fish which can look almost flourecent yellow/green in the right light. They are easy to keep from a fishkeeping perspective and fairly calm with other community fish.

Here is some beautiful video of them…

By Tanks For Watching

And here’s my drawing…

Rocky Shore – Ink

This week’s art is a small, simple sketch of a rocky shoreline. I wanted to see if I could convey the shapes of the rocks with relatively few lines. So I went for only three tonal levels – pure black, pure white and one hatched tone. Here’s a closer look at the final drawing…

Robin – Ink

This week’s art is a simple ink drawing of a robin…

Recently I’ve been thinking more about the placement of my artwork on the page. So rather than going with the more standard central placement I pushed my little robin off to the right so that he was looking into some space on the left. It’s a small thing but I really like it.

Mallard – Digital Painting

Hello again! I must apologise for being late back from my break. I managed to catch a chest infection. I am still in bed but in much better shape now and able to blog from here! For this week I worked on completing a digital painting of a Mallard which I started a long time ago.

The approach I took with this painting was very similar to the way I approach traditional art. I basically blocked in and then refined sections of the painting.

I began with a simple drawing which acted as a kind of map for the piece…

Next I began blocking in the reflections in the water…

I refined those reflections a little and then blocked in the reflection of the duck…

Then I blocked in the duck itself…

Next I worked some more detail into the general reflections in the water. I found this quite tricky but also really expressive to do…

I then refined the reflection of the duck’s head and shoulders…

Next I went on to the reflection of the duck’s back…

Once that was done I completed the back and started on the detail of the actual duck, beak first. This was really enjoyable to do!

Next I worked on the details of the duck’s head and shoulders…

Finally I worked on the duck’s back and was finished…

Overall I really enjoyed making this picture. I certainly learned a lot about relfections!

New Wet Room

I have had a new wet room put in to help me manage with my disability.  It is fantastic and I find it really helpful.  However, while it was being put in I wasn’t able to do any art.  I did try to catch up but haven’t been able to.  So I’m going to take a break from posting for two weeks, then normal service will be resumed.  😁

During the course of the build we had a punctured gas main, a big leak of cold water which flooded two rooms and a leaking toilet.  All is now safely fixed thank goodness, but here is Bill Watterson’s take on a flooded bathroom to give you a smile…