Beanbag Bliss

This Christmas my cat, Leia, has rediscovered her bean bag in a big way. She loves to snuggle herself down in it and enjoy the comfort. I managed to take a photograph of her enjoying her new favourite spot…

I think this might become a reference photo for a piece of art at some point but for today I’m just going to enjoy sharing her relaxed attitude!

I wish you all a Happy New Year!


12 thoughts on “Beanbag Bliss

  1. You have a TARDIS blanket! That is very cool! I hope you enjoyed your nap. Curling up for a nice sleep in a warm place when it’s snowy outside sounds like a must. Thanks for your kind comment!


  2. Thank you for sharing! Leia looks sooooo comfortable that I kind of wonder why I’m not trying to do the same. After seeing your picture I’m 100% certain a nap, curled up on my couch under my TARDIS blanket, will be in my future today. And I’m going to credit the nap to you and Leia! Maybe “What would Leia do?” should be my guiding philosophy for this very cold and snowy weekend in my town.

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  3. Qi Gong has some similarities with Tai Chi, but Tai Chi’s martial arts origins aren’t really evident in Qi Gong, which is more about Chinese medicine and philosophy. But I find the transition between one and other (certainly as done in the classes I attend) fairly seamless as they share breathing, ideas about qi, and the act of meditation.

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  4. I found Tai Chi very helpful for a number of years before my disability became worse. I’ve never done any Qi Gong though. I’m glad you’re finding both helpful. It’s great when such classes are available locally.

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  5. I’m pleased you’re feeling better in yourself, Jo, even though the physical side is not progressing positively. I hope that revisiting the Tao may be some of what you need. I’ve recently returned to Tai Chi and also started following the related Qi Gong exercises, which I’ve found of great benefit physically and mentally – fortunately there are classes in both, one in Brecon and the other just down the road from me.

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  6. Thank you – I think my mental health is improving. I hope this continues. My physical health appears to be very gradually declining. I think the best thing I can do about that is to follow my doctor’s advice as far as possible and then simply learn to live with it. My biggest struggles come when I refuse to accept the physical limitations I have and I end up hurting myself. Working with my limitations is so much more effective than working against them. With this in mind I’m thinking of re-reading the Tao Te Ching again this coming year – I might try Ursula K Le Guin’s version.
    I too hope things improve for the world. Things are in such a bad state at the moment in so many places.
    Take care, Jo

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  7. Hope 2024 sees at least some if not more amelioration to your health, Jo, and that all things improve for you as well as for the world in general – we do really need it!

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