Tarsier – Part 2 of 2

This is my ink drawing of a Tarsier from last week now painted with watercolour. I used Winsor and Newton Professional half pans. It was great fun to paint this and really livened up a rather basic ink drawing. I’m fairly pleased with the line and wash finish.

Here’s a photo of a real Tarsier by mtoz (CC BY-SA 2.0)

One of the things I did change from my reference is the Tarsier’s eyes. They are nocturnal and their pupils would be considerably bigger in lower light than they are when photographed in daylight. Looking back I’m not sure about whether this was a good decision or not.

Here’s my final painting…

Tarsier – Part 1 of 2

This week’s art is an ink drawing of a small primate called a Tarsier. They are really cute little creatures. Here’s a beautiful photo by Jasper Greek Golangco…

Aww they’re so beautiful!!!

Initially I planned this piece to be a simple ink drawing. But after working on it at an art club I was encouraged to paint it. More on that next week!