Lemon Tetra – Ink

Lemon Tetra by Waugsberg CC BY 2.5

This week I drew a Lemon Tetra in ink. I drew it at an art group I go to and didn’t get a chance to photograph any process shots.

Lemon Tetra (Hyphessobrycon pulchripinnis) are really beautiful fish which can look almost flourecent yellow/green in the right light. They are easy to keep from a fishkeeping perspective and fairly calm with other community fish.

Here is some beautiful video of them…

By Tanks For Watching

And here’s my drawing…

Rocky Shore – Ink

This week’s art is a small, simple sketch of a rocky shoreline. I wanted to see if I could convey the shapes of the rocks with relatively few lines. So I went for only three tonal levels – pure black, pure white and one hatched tone. Here’s a closer look at the final drawing…